Wellness: A new word for Ancient Ideas. By Iris Efthymiou-Egleton

You probably think that the current very trendy concept of Wellness is a modern idea, but no… it’s just a modern word! From antiquity, human societies have sought the secrets that lead to optimal Wellbeing (our overall physical and mental health).

History shows clearly that the medical theories and practices of almost all the iconic figures of Ancient China, Egypt, Greece, Iran, and India shared basic common ground in preaching a ‘holistic’ message for wellness. Even then people traveled for days to attend ‘clinics’ – even then, news traveled globally!

Today we must try to understand the holistic thinking of the past and use it as a base for further progress. Instead of ignoring historic achievements, we should revisit them before going forward at full speed!

Wellness: A new word for Ancient Ideas is an attempt to interpret and use the links between what we now define as ‘wellness’ and what, in the past was ‘plain good health’. So, I hope you will let this book take you on a journey through centuries to find the ‘secrets’ of our ancestors.

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