Human Health and Oceans by Iris Efthymiou Egleton

What is the connection between ice cream, jewelry, gasoline, weather cycle, renewable energy, antiaging creams, decoration, lipsticks, livestock feed, fertilizers, toothpaste, clothing dyes, the development of our cardiovascular and immune systems, and shampoos?
You would expect a long answer, right? Well, think again because it is just one word: Oceans!

Every second breath we take comes from our oceans: This is an implicit yet very descriptive way to capture the importance of our oceans and our oceans’ health. What is the current state of our oceans? How are we affected by it and how is that affected by humans and their choices? Are the waters really becoming acidic or just less alkaline? To what level is the World Ocean degraded? In what ways does the ocean define our everyday life?

This book answers to all those questions, compiling the necessary theories and definitions and presenting them in a simple and understandable to everyone manner. It is a subject that deeply touches the author and research leader, Iris Efthymiou-Egleton, who does not hesitate to go back in time and draw inspiration from the ancient times and from what Oceanus meant in the ancient Greek mind and spirit.

As every subject has many aspects and extensions, this book makes no exception for the oceans and studies a multitude of correlated issues and phenomena, such as climate change and global warming, the water and carbon cycles, the concept of global greening, the level of the waters’ pollution and contamination, their accompanying consequences and many more.

Due to the author’s optimistic view of life, this book is not limited to the study of the negative part but goes on to present several tips and solutions concerning the improvement of the current state. And due to her will to be more practical than theoretical, the book goes even further to present a big number of environmental institutions and initiatives, of either global or national reach, with the double aim to give the reader hope while making it easier for them to play their part and contribute in their own way.

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